A qubit (quantum bit) is a unit of quantum information that can exist in any superposition of a 0 and a 1 state, unlike a classical bit which can only be either 0 or 1. This allows qubits to hold more information than classical bits and to be used to perform complex calculations more quickly. Qubits are the fundamental building blocks of quantum computing, allowing quantum computers to be more powerful than classical computers. Scientists have crafted a range of qubits, from Neutral Atoms to NMR, NV center-in-diamond, photonic, superconducting, topological, and trapped ions. Here, we will provide a brief overview of each.
A Neutral Atom qubit is a quantum computing system that uses neutral atoms as its qubits. A qubit is a quantum bit of information; neutral atoms store that information in this system. To create a Neutral Atom qubit, scientists must use laser cooling and optical trapping techniques to isolate neutral atoms in an ultra-high vacuum. This allows them to control the atoms and manipulate their internal states individually. Controlling and manipulating these atoms can create qubits representing quantum information.
An NMR qubit is a type of qubit used in quantum computing that is based on Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR). It is made by using a small number of nuclear spins in a molecule, typically a few spins of protons or hydrogen, as the qubit. The nuclear spins of the molecule can be manipulated using magnetic fields and radio waves, allowing for complex operations to be performed. NMR qubits can be used to store and process information and are important building blocks for quantum computing.
An NV center-in-diamond qubit is a type of qubit that uses a single nitrogen-vacancy center in a diamond lattice to store quantum information. It is made by implanting a nitrogen atom and a vacancy into the diamond lattice. The vacancy site is where the nitrogen atom would normally be located, resulting in a stable, negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy center. The NV center is then further manipulated using lasers and microwaves to create a suitable qubit for quantum computing.
A photonic qubit is a type of quantum bit used in quantum computing. It uses a photon, or a single particle of light, as the quantum information unit. Photonic qubits are created by trapping single photons in cavities, using a laser to generate the photons and a beam splitter to guide them into the cavity. The photons can also be manipulated using refractive and reflective elements, allowing them to be used as the basis for quantum algorithms. Photonic qubits are faster, more reliable, and more stable than other types of qubits, making them attractive for quantum computing applications.
A superconducting qubit is a type of quantum bit that uses superconducting electrical circuits to store and process quantum information. Superconducting qubits are made by controlling the interaction between two or more quantum objects, such as photons or electrons, that are confined in a superconducting circuit. The interactions between these objects are manipulated using electrical signals, which can be used to control the quantum state of the qubit. Superconducting qubits are often referred to as “artificial atoms” because they exhibit many of the same properties as real atoms.
A topological qubit is a type of quantum bit that is created by encoding information into the structure of a physical system. It has the potential to be much more stable, reliable, and fault-tolerant than other types of qubits, making it an important part of quantum computing research. Topological qubits are made by manipulating the properties of the physical system, such as the electric or magnetic fields, to create a topologically protected qubit. This protection helps reduce external noise’s effects on the qubit, allowing for longer-term storage and manipulation of quantum information. For detailed information about this type of qubit, you can review my blog on Topological qubits.
A trapped-ion qubit is a form of quantum computing that uses ions as the building blocks of quantum information. The ions are held in a vacuum within a trap, which is usually an electromagnetic trap. The ions are then entangled with one another and manipulated using laser pulses. This enables the execution of quantum operations, such as quantum logic gates, on the ions. This type of quantum computing is advantageous because the ions can be held for a long time and the interactions between them are precisely controlled. Overall, trapped ion qubits offer an efficient and reliable way of performing quantum calculations.
With each of these qubits boasting its own advantages and disadvantages, it is essential to understand the ins and outs of each in order to identify the best qubit for a given application. Neutral Atoms qubits, for example, are extremely reliable but require large amounts of hardware and cooling to be used. NMR qubits can be operated at room temperature but are prone to decoherence. NV center-in-diamond qubits are extremely robust and require minimal hardware; however, they are difficult to manufacture. Photonic qubits have the advantage of being able to transfer quantum data at long distances, but they are highly susceptible to decoherence. Superconducting qubits are relatively easy to set up and require minimal hardware; however, they are limited in the number of qubits that can be meaningfully operated together. Topological qubits are extremely robust, but they are difficult to manufacture. Finally, Trapped ion qubits are extremely reliable but require complex and expensive hardware. All of these qubits represent a huge step forward in quantum computing, and the future of the technology will depend heavily on the correct application of a suitable qubit.
Hamed is an innovative and results-driven Chief Scientist with expertise in Quantum Science, Engineering, and AI. He has worked for leading tech companies in Silicon Valley and served as an Adjunct Professor at UC Berkeley and UCLA.